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Omicron Cases 80% Less Likely To Be Hospitalized

Omicron is threatening to become the virus that stole Christmas, but we wonder if the panic is an overreaction. The contagion is undeniable, but what are the real health risks? We are happy to report that even the major media outlets – Washington Post, New York Times, and Wall Street Journal FINALLY acknowledged today on their front pages what we’ve been saying for a while. Here are the latest findings:

A new analysis from the South African government’s National Institute for Communicable Diseases provides some reason for optimism: S-Gene Target Failure (presumptive Omicron) cases are 80% less likely to be hospitalized.

The latest data from Scotland comes to a similar conclusion: “early national data suggest that Omicron is associated with a two-thirds reduction in the risk of COVID-19 hospitalisation when compared to Delta.”

And then there is this: In Denmark, new data showed Omicron cases were three times less likely to end up with hospital admissions than Delta, although officials there still insist stubbornly insist “we see no evidence that Omicron should result in milder disease.” Really?

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