Only HALF of Federal Workers Would Go Back to Office Under Biden Reforms

This headline caught our attention, and we thought it might mean our taxpayer-funded federal worker would finally, years after COVID, be headed back to work full-time.

But the story says:

White House Chief of Staff Jeff Zients, facing huge numbers of federal workers who aren’t coming to the office, is privately pushing Cabinet secretaries to break their staffs’ stubborn work-from-home habits…

He’s holding up the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the first two to hit the benchmarks of workers spending five of every ten work days in the office, as examples that federal workers can be convinced to return.

Only two agencies have met the goal, and the “aggressive” goal is literally HALF-TIME attendance.

If we need so few federal workers showing up, then as we’ve said many times, let’s get rid of half the federal workers.

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