Teacher Union President Randi Weingarten Is a Walking and Talking Billboard for School Choice

The school choice movement – which we are a big part of – couldn’t pick a better commanding officer for the opposition than Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers.

She makes Kamala Harris look sincere and competent. In February, she made this jaw-dropping statement in sworn testimony before Congress: “We spent every day from February (2020) on trying to get schools open” during COVID.

In September, she compared the rhetoric of school choice supporters to that of segregationists claiming that the language parents use are “the same kind of words” used in the Jim Crow era.

She’s now closed out the year trying to deliver a lump of coal to the Christmas stockings of school choice supporters. She recently told a conference that school choice is “about undermining democracy, civil discourse and pluralism.”

So let us get this right Randi: You’re saying that giving mostly minority parents a choice of where they send their kids to school is racist and undermines democracy and pluralism? If that’s the case, then why allow ANYONE to go to a private school? Oops, we better keep our mouths shut.

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