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The City Of Lights May Go Dark This Winter

Will the lights be going off in Paris next year?

European countries are facing acute energy shortages this winter, after foolishly curtailing their own fossil fuel resources and going all-in on wind and solar.

We’ve already reported that Germany is preparing to use candles and firewood for light and heat while the Swiss plan to ban “non-essential” electric vehicle use. Now comes France with its energy lockdown playbook:

Local authorities will be required to present “load-shedding (power outage) plans that would reduce consumption in the areas concerned by up to 38 percent.”

If a power outage occurs, trains will likely be cancelled in the affected area…

The French government said it was working alongside the Ministry of Education to develop plans to close schools in the mornings if the area is to be impacted by rolling blackouts…

Of course, some French will be more equal than others:

Up to 40 percent of people in France will not be impacted by power outages due to the fact that they might be connected to a “priority line.”

So much for the French commitment to egalite!

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