Whatever Happened To “Republicans For Biden?”

Our friends at Issues & Insights have had enough with the “cable TV Republicans” who endorsed Joe Biden in 2020 and sometimes defend him even to this day.

“Back then, they were lauded as heroes by the establishment.,” and I&Iedition noted. “These Biden-supporting Republicans were utterly, embarrassingly, dangerously wrong about the man they were touting for president. And we are all now paying an enormous and rapidly increasing price for their arrogant stupidity.”

I&I identifies some of the worse malefactors and how they justified their choice:

John Kasich: “I’m sure there are Republicans and independents who couldn’t imagine crossing over to support a Democrat. They fear Joe may turn sharp left and leave them behind. I don’t believe that because I know the measure of the man.”

Christie Todd Whitman: “We need…someone who can restore competence to the Oval Office and unify the country. Joe Biden is that leader.”

Meg Whitman: “Joe Biden … has a plan that will strengthen our economy for working people and small-business owners. For me, the choice is simple. I’m with Joe.”

Former Senator Jeff Flake: “We need to elect someone … who will stop the chaos and reverse the damage.”

In some ways, they share responsibility for the damage Biden has done to our country. None has apologized.


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