Will Britain’s Next PM Be A Supply Sider?

Liz Truss, the clear frontrunner to become Britain’s next Prime Minister, has ruled out imposing new lockdowns during future pandemics.

The current Foreign Secretary told voters she privately opposed Boris Johnson’s call for lockdowns but they were “presented as a fait accompli” in Cabinet and not open for discussion. “Every single time I was given the chance to express a view I was on the side of doing less,” Truss said.

Truss has also energized grassroots conservatives by putting tax cuts at the heart of her campaign: “I will get the private sector growing faster than the public sector, with a long-term plan to bring down the size of the state and the tax burden…. including bold supply-side reform.”

Her political prospects look bright. She has a clear lead over Rishi Sunak, a former Treasury secretary, to win the Conservative balloting. And a new poll gives her a small lead over the opposition Labor Party if a new election were called in the new future.

She’s no Margaret Thatcher, but could lead Britain out of its economic doldrums.

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