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Jeff Yass and Stephen Moore say the market can give younger workers real retirement security.

Policy and Government

At, Brian Domitrovic shows us the original Laffer Curve.

At Townhall, Dan Mitchell discusses Nordic nations and socialism.

On Real Clear Markets, John Tamny says Kim Jong Un’s limo debunks the wisdom of central planners.

In the Washington Times, Stephen Moore and Clara Hawthorne say the south is booming.

From Fox News, Andy Puzder says Trump’s economy is a problem for Democrats.


From, Nathan Lewis reminds supply-siders that we support stable money, not stable prices.

Bloomberg reports President Trump is still threatening to devalue the dollar – which would reduce wages for every American.

Craig Cohen of JP Morgan asks whether the dollar’s status as the world’s reserve currency could end.  (Probably overblown but not quite a tail risk.)

From, John Tamny says Peter Schiff is overestimating the Fed’s powers.

In The Hill, Michael Bordo discusses the importance of having a rules-based monetary policy.


In the WSJ, Jeff Yass and Stephen Moore say the market can give younger workers real retirement security.

On Fox Business, Arthur Laffer says young people want to earn their way in life.


At Fox Business, Director Kudlow says the private sector can provide an unlimited minimum wage.

Photo Credit: Mosborne01

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