Jon Decker: “Not One Penny” Makes No Economic ‘Cents’

Policy and Government

At, Ralph Benko says we should take a page from Rules for Radicals to Make America Great Again.

From Business Insider, Pedro Nicolaci da Costa reports the Cotton-Perdue Raise Act immigration bill would reduce U.S. GDP by 2 percent over roughly 2 decades.

On Fox Business, Steve Forbes discusses President Trump’s additional trade pressures on China.


In The National Pulse, Jon Decker says ‘Not One Penny’ makes no economic ‘cents’.

Secretary Mnuchin: Unrigging the tax code will provide trillions in revenue and spur economic growth.

On CNBC, Jake Novak explains why McConnell has been unable to get tax reform done.

The WSJ discusses Philadelphia’s soda tax bust.


From Townhall, Stephen Moore urges us to be wary of attempts to bailout Obamacare.

In the LA Times, Michael Hiltzik reveals the ‘con’ in the Foxconn deal.

From, Merrill Matthews says Democrats are pushing for Medicare expansion because Obamacare failed.

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