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Keep America Great: U.S. Economy Grows at 3.2% in Q1!

Policy and Government

Keep America Great: U.S. Economy Grows at 3.2% in Q1!

George Gilder: Google doesn’t believe in ‘Life After Google.’

Arthur Laffer: Economics is based in math, not politics.


Deroy Murdock: Stephen Moore’s critics miss the point.

Sean Fieler calls for eliminating taxes on gold.


Director Kudlow: New York should lower its taxes in response to SALT changes.


$15/hour? Higher! Wage rates, like all prices, organically are determined exclusively by — surprise! — supply and demand. So the growing labor shortage, evidenced by McDonald’s drive to hire 250,000 senior citizens as reported by Zachary Crockett at The Hustle, is certain to raise the minimum wage, without pricing low-value-added workers out of a job like an arbitrarily high statutory minimum wage causes.

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Washington, DC 20005