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Larry Kudlow Reveals The Republicans’ Secret Agenda

Kudlow     Revealed here, for the first time: the Republican Secret Agenda. What is at the core of their (OK, our) Nefarious Plot? Our Secret Plot is to make all the poor people rich. That’s the only way to end this ridiculous “two party” system and to make every Man-Jack and Woman-Jill in America into loyal Republicans.

Revelation: “All we want,” said Kudlow, “is for everybody to get richer.”

Therein hangs a tale.  And therein, perhaps, hangs the outcome of a presidential race.

The Republican Party (much to the astonishment of practically everyone) is composed exclusively of … people. It thus is subject to human nature. It is undeniable that a significant part of the Republican voter base is made up of rich (or at least affluent) people.

Rich people (except in California, a parallel universe) vote Republican. So, naturally, Republicans love rich people.

And hate the poor. Nothing personal. Poor people vote Democratic.

So, naturally, the Democrats love the poor. Who wouldn’t? It’s easy to love the people who wish to put you into power. Conversely, Democrats (excluding Bill Clinton and few other outliers) naturally hate the rich.

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