Larry Kudlow: Trump’s budget is pro-taxpayer, pro-growth, and pro-jobs.

Policy and Government

Tim Worstall, at, observes “I’m nearly as big a believer in the power of economic growth to make government sums add up as Art Laffer, Stephen Moore and our boss and host here, Steve Forbes.”

Seth Godin explains why the close correlation between per capital cheese consumption and the number of people who died by becoming tangled in their bedsheets does not mean that eating less cheese is going to help you not die in bed.


On CNBC, Rick Santelli says unstable exchange rates hurt economic growth.


Stephen Moore says Trump’s tax cuts will boost economic growth.

In The Weekly Standard, Stephen Moore tells Kansas not to raise taxes.

The NY Post debunks the myth of Trump’s ‘savage’ tax cuts.


Larry Kudlow: Trump’s budget is pro-taxpayer, pro-growth, and pro-jobs.

On Investor’s Business Daily, Diana Furchtgott-Roth reminds us Trump’s budget increases spending.

On Real Clear Markets, John Tamny writes deficits don’t bring countries down, socialism does.

The Daily Signal lists the key takeaways from Trump’s budget.

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