Larry Kudlow urges the federal government to exercise restraint in regards to the GameStop situation

Policy and Government

At Fox Business, Larry Kudlow urges the federal government to exercise restraint in regards to the GameStop situation. 

At KFYO, Stephen Moore rips Biden’s job-killing agenda.

At the Independent Women’s Forum, Phil Kerpen joins with dozens of others in opposing a nationwide $15 per hour minimum wage.

At the Independent Women’s Forum, Kerpen joins with dozens of others in calling on school districts around the country to re-open.

At the Cato Institute, Jeffrey A. Singer rips federal authorities for not making at-home COVID-19 testing available sooner.

At the American Institute for Economic Research, Amelia Janaskie, Jenin Younes, and Taleed Brown offer us the second installment in their “Faces of Lockdowns” series.

Free Trade

Per The New York Times, Biden has delivered a blow to free trade by moving to reverse Trump’s decision to lift tariffs on aluminum imports from the United Arab Emirates.

Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore

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