Larry Kudlow writes Clinton’s tax plan could plunge us into a recession.

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The Washington Post reports Q2 growth rate at 1.2%, half of analysts’ expectations.

In the WSJ, Eric Morath laments the worst recovery of the post-World War II era.

At, Tim Worstall writes it’s not China that is killing the U.S. manufacturing jobs, it’s robots.

At, Tim Worstall reveals that the US has about the same economic mobility rate as the high tax Nordic countries, heretically implying that socialism does not in reality meaningfully contribute to better economic justice.

From, John Tamny says Hillary Clinton’s speech exceeded expectations on the economy.


In the Washington Post, Ylan Mui says the Fed is succumbing to the “new normal” hypothesis of punk growth.

From, Nathan Lewis says don’t be fooled, “stable money” is code for the gold standard.


In the NY Sun, Larry Kudlow writes Clinton’s tax plan could plunge us into a recession.

At The Pulse, Ralph Benko says a 1.2% growth rate is bad news for proponents of the status quo economic policies.

From ATR, John Kartch and Alexander Hendrie release the full list of Hillary Clinton’s proposed tax hikes.

In the Washington Times, Donald Lambro says Hillary Clinton’s tax plan would diminish job-creating investment.


In Investor’s Business Daily, Stephen Moore states welfare is hurting those it is supposed to help.


At Cato, Steve Hanke comments on the Italian and Eurozone doomsday scenario.

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