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Monday items: Nisen on Mundell and the euro; Goldman on Europe; Kudlow on the Fed.

From Business Insider, Max Nisen suggests Robert Mundell’s “A Theory of Optimum Currency Areas” predicted the eurozone’s troubles.

On PJ Media, David Goldman explains the startling disjunction between Germany and the weaker eurozone nations.

In The WSJ, George Melloan analyzes the Fed’s current commitment to openness.

On The Kudlow Report, Larry discusses whether the Fed will pump dollars into Europe:

At The WSJ, Stephen Moore reports the signing of the largest tax cut in Kansas history.

Also in The Journal, Moore notes Oklahoma Republicans blocking the state’s tax cut.

At The Washington Times, Richard Rahn links economic weakness and higher spending.

From Bloomberg, Ramesh Ponnuru suggests the US lower its trade barriers unilaterally.

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