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Monday items: Tamny on high commodities; Lazear notes employment is still soft; Bartlett says the GOP’s anti-tax position is untenable.

From RCM, John Tamny predicts a crash in commodities when the dollar rises.

In The WSJ, GW Bush economist Edward Lazear notes that while net employment numbers are good, gross employment is still subpar.

On Reuters, James Pethokoukis downplays debt ceiling fears.

At Asia Times, David Goldman reports small business confidence is better, but still weak.

On The Kudlow Report, John Tamny discusses the IMF:

On Capital Gains and Games, Bruce Bartlett suggests the deficit has made the Republican anti-tax position untenable.

On Economics21, Charles Blahous argues Republicans should turn the tables by cutting entitlements for the wealthy.

Future of Capitalism notes that Bloomberg mischaracterized its own poll:

It’s not until the 20th paragraph of the news article that the reporters make the following stunning admission: “Investors are split over whether Obama or congressional Republicans offer the better budget solution, with 39 percent favoring the president’s approach and 38 percent that of the Republicans. Still, there are strong regional differences. U.S. investors favor congressional Republicans’ position in the budget deadlock over Obama’s by 62 percent to 24 percent.”

At Money Watch, Conrad deAenlle reports Newt Gingrich talking tax rates on the stump.

The WSJ reports Gingrich opposes U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan’s (WI) Medicare overhaul.

On Kudlow, Larry interviews House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi (CA):

The WSJ reports economists don’t see inflation as a major threat.

At TGSN, Daniel Ryan explains that gold-backed money enables long-term planning.

On Think Progress, Matthew Yglesias comments on a Heritage scholar’s call to sell the U.S. gold supply.

At COAL, Paul Krugman suggests inflation hawks are repeating the errors of 1937.

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