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Monday round up: Kadlec, Kudlow, Yergin and Wanniski on oil; Ferrara and Mitchell on the growth rate; Moore on the corporate tax rate.

From Forbes, Charles Kadlec explains the falling dollar’s impact on commodity prices.

At NRO, Larry Kudlow argues a stronger dollar would cut the oil price.

On The WSJ, Daniel Yergin suggests current high gas prices are caused by foreign tension and tight supply:

From the archive, Jude Wanniski notes Yergin’s failure to understand the dollar’s impact on oil prices:

When I wrote the energy editorials for the WSJournal between 1974 and 1978, Yergin, just out of school, began his career as a Harvard energy expert by taking up the Malthusian cry that the world was running out of liquid petroleum and natural gas. He didn’t know what he was talking about then, and he is no better now, permanently fixed in a drop of liquid amber as an energy pessimist. My optimism rests on my early schooling in geophysics, at UCLA, prior to a segue into political science and journalism. That is why the WSJ editorial page from 1974 to 1978 was arguing that there was no energy problem — that the oil crisis had occurred because Richard Nixon took us off the gold standard in 1971 ~ which led Canadian economist Robert Mundell to predict there would soon be a dramatic increase in the price of oil, and thence all other commodities. Supply-side economics was born out of the “energy crisis.”

At Forbes, Peter Ferrara advocates faster growth to raise living standards.

In The NY Post, Dan Mitchell notes the Obama recovery’s slow pace.

From Forbes, John Tamny rebuts Greg Smith’s attack on Goldman Sachs.

In The NY Sun, Ira Stoll reports a union leader moving out of New York City to avoid high taxes.

At The American, James Pethokoukis features a graphic that summarizes what’s wrong with US healthcare.

In The WSJ, Stephen Moore highlights the recall effort against Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker.

On The Kudlow Report, Moore discusses the US corporate tax rate:

The Boston Globe profiles anti-tax advocate Grover Norquist.

The Florida Times-Union reports local drug dealers using Tide detergent as currency.

In The NYT, Christina Romer argues marginal tax rates have limited impact on economic growth.

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