Monday update: Chapman on Europe; Pethokoukis on Huntsman; Brenner on corporate taxes.

India’s Free Press argues gold-backed currency is best for the common person (h/t: Ralph Benko).

From Alhambra Partners, John Chapman analyzes Europe’s economy using Ludwig von Mises.

At The American, James Pethokoukis gives Jon Huntsman another look.

On The Kudlow Report, Sen. Bob Corker (TN) debates the payroll tax cut versus permanent tax increases:


On Forbes, Reuven Brenner explains the impact of corporate taxes on business decisions.

In The NY Sun, Ira Stoll assesses Newt Gingrich’s candidacy.

At The American, Mark Perry suggests China’s currency exchange rate amounts to a subsidy of US consumers.

In The WSJ, Stephen Moore examines Herman Cain’s campaign and future prospects.

At The WSJ, business executives discuss the impact of regulation:

At Forbes, John Tamny reviews Judge Andrew Napolitano’s new book.

From The American Family Association, Tamny discusses Europe and the ongoing currency crisis.

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