Phil Kerpen Joins With Dozens of Others in Calling on Members of Congress to Allow States to Use Funds from the American Rescue Plan Act to Reduce Net State Tax Revenue.

Taxes and Spending

At the Independent Women’s Forum, Phil Kerpen joins with dozens of others in calling on members of Congress to allow states to use funds from the American Rescue Plan Act to reduce net state tax revenue.

At Inside Source, Art Laffer blasts “Bidenomics”

At Fox Business, Larry Kudlow warns that jobs and businesses will suffer under Biden’s economic policies.

At the American Institute for Economic Research, Daniel J. Mitchell offers three reasons to reject Biden’s global tax harmonization scheme.

At Fox Business, Kudlow apprises that the tax man cometh.

Regulations and Policymaking

At Forbes, Steve Forbes calls for an end to lockdowns.

At the Cato Institute, Ryan Bourne and Erin Partin make the case that elevated unemployment insurance benefits will cause more harm than good.

Monetary Policy

At Alt-M, James Dorn warns of fiscal dominance at the Federal Reserve.

At National Review, William Levin makes the case that official statistics underestimate inflation.

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