Policy and Government
At The American Spectator, Phil Kerpen lambasts politicians’ attempts to use government controls to end the pandemic.
At Reason, Alex Tabarrok sits down to explain how we could be vaccinating twice as quickly if government would just get out of the way.
At The Wall Street Journal, John F. Cogan and John B. Taylor offer-up a lesson in economics to explain why $2,000 checks will not give the economy a jolt.
At the American Institute for Economic Research, Alan Reynolds dispels the notion that government stimulus replaced lost wages in the middle of 2020, arguing that the exact opposite was true.
At Reason, Sasha Volokh eulogizes the late, great economist, William R. Allen.
Monetary Theory
At the American Institute for Economic Research, Nicolás Cachanosky skewers James K. Galbraith’s recent defense of Modern Monetary Theory.
Free Trade
At the American Institute for Economic Research, Don Boudreaux gives us the fourth entry in his “Twelve Principles of International Trade” series (you can catch up on parts 1-3 here: https://www.aier.org/article/twelve-principles-of-international-trade-part-i/; https://www.aier.org/article/twelve-principles-of-international-trade-part-2/; https://www.aier.org/article/twelve-principles-of-international-trade-part-3/)
At the Cato Institute, Alex Nowrasteh lays-out the good and the bad in Biden’s legalization plan.
Image Credit: Diana Robinson