Ralph Benko discusses Alan Greenspan’s Big Reveal: the secret recipe for job creation was following gold’s signals.

Policy and Government

At Forbes.com, John Tamny applauds the arrival of David Malpass to the U.S. treasury.


At The National Pulse, Ralph Benko observes that “Alan Greenspan has provided a valuable service in his Big Reveal: his ‘secret recipe’ for job creation and reducing the deficit was ‘to follow signals that a gold standard would have created.’”


At Newsmax, Rob Williams urges Congress to kill the border tax before it kills us.


At Townhall, Stephen Moore says President Trump’s budget drains the swamp.

In The National Pulse, Jon Decker celebrates the Washington Post’s finding that Trump’s budget would lead to the largest contraction of the federal workforce in decades.

At Townhall, Dennis Prager warns entitlement spending is a dangerous addiction.

Photo Credit: Javier

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