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Sean Rushton makes the case for stable exchange rates among the Big Three global currency areas.

Policy and Government

On the John Batchelor Show, Larry Kudlow and Stephen Moore discuss market confidence in the Trump economy.

From, Tim Worstall explores the conundrum of meager pay raises in the context of rising employment.

At Townhall, John Stossel says freedom worked well for America and Hong Kong, why not liberate the whole world?


On CNBC, Sean Rushton makes the case for stable exchange rates among the Big Three global currency areas.

In The Weekly Standard, Ike Brannon praises David Malpass as Treasury’s conservative standard bearer.

In the WSJ, Justin Lahart presents some inconvenient facts for the Fed.


From Newsmax, Arthur Laffer says lowering the corporate tax rate won’t lower the effective tax.

At CATO, Alan Reynolds explains how business tax cuts could pay for themselves.

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