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Stephen Moore and John Tamny explain why a weak dollar won’t make America great again

Policy and Government

From, Steve Forbes says France may have avoided an economic cataclysm in its election.

At, Tim Worstall writes existing home sales have jumped to a ten-year high.

From, Tim Worstall reports Britain had its first day without burning coal since 1880 – by burning even more polluting wood pellets instead.

At, Ralph Benko asks are we confronting the fall of liberty, or will a new Jack Kemp will emerge?

In The New Yorker, John Cassidy wonders if we are entering a Trump economic slowdown.

From American Greatness, Roger Kimball believes Trump’s first three months point towards three percent growth.

In The Daily Mail, Alex Brummer warns doomsayers are wrong to be nervous about the City of London, England’s Wall Street.


At Investor’s Business Daily, Stephen Moore and John Tamny explain why a weak dollar won’t make America great again.

From FT, if you like the euro why not call for a global gold standard? [Subscription needed]


From, Tim Worstall says cutting business tax rates with 100% expensing would be better for economic growth without badly driving up the deficit.

Photo Credit: Steve Johnson

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