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The NY Sun asks ‘What Would Jacques Rueff Do’ on the contested election in France.

Policy and Government

The NY Sun asks ‘What Would Jacques Rueff Do’ on the contested election in France.

From, Tim Worstall debunks Paul Krugman’s attack on supply-side economics.

At the Foundation for Economic Education, Donald J. Boudreaux says you are richer than John D. Rockefeller. From Bloomberg, Barry Ritholtz says the isn’t so.

On WMUK Radio, Stephen Moore discusses President Trump’s first 100 days in office.

Investor’s Business Daily says lowering the limits on H1-B visas will hurt the economy.


In the NY Times, Julie Hirschfeld Davis and Alan Rappeport write Trump is eyeing a 15% corporate tax rate.


On Real Clear Markets, John Tamny writes “Buy America, Hire America” policies are cruel to U.S. businesses and workers.

Dan Mitchell attacks the unearned prosperity of D.C.’s ruling class.

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