Stephen Moore says Washington D.C. has a spending problem, not a revenue problem.

Policy and Government

David Brooks at the New York Times is upset at how ridiculously far left the Democrats are moving.

Kristiff at The NY Times takes knee-jerk liberals to the woodshed.

DailyMail UK reports Jamie Dimon praised Trump’s tax cuts and regulatory reforms.

George Gilder says the cloud computing is reaching its limits and that blockchain is the future.

Ceyla Pazarbasioglu at Project Syndicate explains how slowing economic growth is very bad news for the world’s poorest.

From SFGate, here’s how much high tech workers really make.  (Spoiler alert: a lot.)


Bloomberg reports that Trump is pushing for a cheaper dollar to goose exports and Fed Chairman Powell is heroically resisting the pressure.


VIDEO: A young Chuck Schumer advocating for the indexing of capital gains as a recipe for economic growth.

In the Washington Examiner, Grover Norquist says Ohio residents deserve a massive tax cut.

James Hohmann, at the Washington Post, observes that “If it’s a day that ends in Y, the leading Democratic presidential candidates are advocating aggressively for higher taxes on affluent Americans.”


In the Washington Times, Stephen Moore says Washington D.C. has a spending problem, not a revenue problem.


Ralph Benko, at Hacker Noon, comments on how Chair Maxine Waters’s threats against Libra and regulatory agencies treatment of crypto threatens to scare thousands of great software jobs and billions of dollars to China.

At Fox News, Steve Forbes illustrates how Trump’s regulatory reform is boosting our economy.

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