Stephen Moore tears into the push for $2,000 stimulus checks

Policy and Government

At Fox News, Stephen Moore tears into the push for $2,000 stimulus checks.

At the Foundation for Economic Education, Philip Steele points out that the Moderna vaccine has actually been available since last January and that the only thing that prevented us from getting it sooner was the federal government.

At Reason, Katherine Mangu-Ward sings the praises of billionaires in fighting the pandemic.

At the American Institute for Economic Research, Ethan Yang highlights a study showcasing the damage that can result from moralizing pandemic response efforts.

At Project Syndicate, John B. Taylor argues that “by forcing knowledge workers to telecommute, the COVID-19 pandemic has laid bare many of the unnecessary tax and regulatory burdens that tech firms face simply because they are headquartered in California.”

Free Trade

At the Cato Institute, Inu Manak unveils her wish list for trade policy in 2021.

Per Bloomberg, “the first goods will begin to flow under an Africa-wide free-trade pact on Friday, the culmination of more than five years of negotiations on cutting cross-border tariffs.”


At the Cato Institute, David J. Bier analyzes the failure of Trump’s H2-B visa ban to increase employment among American citizens in any meaningful way.

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