Stephen Moore: The U.S. jobs market has seldom been better.

Politics and Government

Stephen Moore: The U.S. jobs market has seldom been better.

NY Post: Trump’s stock market rally no longer greatest in history.

Dow tanks as trade war escalates.

U.S. to block Chinese investment?

In The Hill, Mattie Duppler says the economy is stronger than ever after tax cuts.

At, John Tamny tries to cure ZTE paranoia.


Fox News reports on Arthur Laffer and Stephen Moore’s prediction of a blue state exodus if taxes aren’t cut.

Phil Kerpen: Nanny Bloomberg wants to tax the world’s poor.

Adam Brandon: Why soda taxes don’t work.

In the American Spectator, Andrew Wilford says the Supreme Court just gave states way more taxing power.


Stephen Moore: Green power would collapse without subsidies.


Steve Hanke discusses Singapore’s economic success.

Prof. Hanke at Ahvalnews says the Turkish government is vastly understating inflation and calls for a currency board preferably with gold convertibility.

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