Steve Forbes explains how economic conditions led to the rise of Trump and Sanders.

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At, Steve Forbes explains how economic conditions led to the rise of Trump and Sanders.

From, Brian Domitrovic explains how 7 years of sluggish growth under Obama is analogous to the political predicament that Ike’s VP Richard Nixon faced when running against JFK (who promised to double, and did, the economic growth rate from 2.5% to 5%).

In the Washington Examiner, Sean Higgins shows which candidates support the Employee Rights Act.


Steve Forbes explains why the government is waging war on cash.

On CNBC, Ben Bernanke says monetary policy may be reaching its limits.

In the WSJ, Justin Lahart writes the Fed is giving inflation a hall pass.


At, Norbert Michel provides a blueprint for relief from Dodd-Frank.

At, Jude Clemente lists 10 problems that must be addressed by opponents of coal, oil, and natural gas.

In the WSJ, Cassandra Sweet reports that Ivanpah, a massive $2.2B solar-thermal plant in California, has turned into an economic albatross burdening taxpayers, alienating environmentalists, and teetering on the brink of insolvency.

From Mother Jones, Gabriel Kahn shows how California figured out how to solve global warming.


In the WSJ, Andrew Biggs explains how Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton’s social security proposals are unrealistic.

Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore

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