Steve Forbes says pundits and historians overlook the importance of monetary policy and tax policy in the rise and fall of great powers.

Policy and Government

On Fox Business, Stephen Moore says Arthur Laffer should replace Kevin Hassett at the Council of Economic Advisers.

The Washington Post reports a softening in the pace of job creation in May to 75,000 with unemployment remaining at 3.6%.

The NYT covers the trade war.

At FEE, Frank Holub says ‘Chernobyl’ is a scathing indictment of Soviet bureaucracy.


From, Steve Forbes says pundits and historians overlook the importance of monetary policy and tax policy in the rise and fall of great powers.

From, Nathan Lewis says Judy Shelton at the Federal Reserve would help keep the dollar stable.

At AIER, Jeffrey Tucker praises ‘In Money We Trust.’


In the Washington Post, presidential aspirant John Delaney calls Medicare-for-All political suicide.

In the American Spectator, Veronique De Rugy slams the Export-Import Bank.


At OneZero, Will Oremus discusses Washington’s declaration of regulatory war on the most successful tech companies.

On Real Clear Markets, Allan Golombek says a company getting bigger is a sign that they are getting better – and customers are benefiting.

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