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Tax Day: Why does it cost us $409 billion to figure out how much we owe?


Larry Kudlow: Potential Fed nominee Randal Quarles favors rule-based monetary policy such as Taylor rule.


Investor’s Business Daily wonders why it costs us $409 billion to figure out what we owe in taxes.

At, Tim Worstall says NPR got a true or false question about taxes wrong.

On Real Clear Markets, Albert Downs & Jimmy Sengenberger explain why millennials need a new tax code.

From Panam Post, Steve Forbes explains how the BAT could crush growth.

Reason slams the border-adjustment tax.


From Townhall, Stephen Moore celebrates coal’s comeback.

From Investor’s Business Daily, William Shughart II discusses how the ethanol mandate is killing American prairies.

Photo Credit: Images Money

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