Policy and Government
‘Tis the Season of Manifestos! The Committee’s own Ralph Benko, in his role as chairman of The Capitalist League and co-author of the forthcoming The Capitalist Manifesto, has some tart observations about the recently published Fully Automated Luxury Communism: A Manifesto and, now, The Socialist Manifesto: The Case for Radical Politics in an Era of Extreme Inequality.
At Townhall, Dan Mitchell says the New York Times is being disingenuous.
At Forbes.com, Steve Forbes says the U.S. has better means of resolving trade disputes than tariffs.
WSJ reports the Committee to Unleash Prosperity’s Stephen Moore warned Trump the tariffs were disrupting economic growth.
In the Washington Times, Stephen Moore discusses Trump’s middle class boom.
Committee Member Ralph Benko and Sam Kazemian, CEO of Frax.finance, a stablecoin venture challenging Libra, writing at Hacker Noon, on Libra, Frax, The Battle of the Centuries and Rise of the Meta-dollar.
Frax Press Release Announcing Moore, Benko.
The Atlantic covers the high cost of Medicare-for-All.
On Real Clear Markets, Stephen Moore attacks wind subsidies.
Rolling Stone reports on Catalan protests.