There’s no excuse for using COVID to shut down schools again

By Stephen Moore and Phil Kerpen

Are our educators ineducable? They appear to have learned nothing from the catastrophic coronavirus lockdowns in 2020

President Joe Biden got it right when he said on Tuesday, “We can keep our K-through-12 schools open, and that’s exactly what we should be doing.”  

But that didn’t prevent the Chicago Teachers Union from illegally going on strike.  Pay no attention to the $1.8 billion of federal tax dollars Chicago got in last year’s shakedown. 

Prince George’s County, Md., public schools are closed for two weeks of January. In Washington, D.C., public schools are now on day three of their “only two days” closure – and the mayor signaled much longer closures coming, crafting the new euphemism “situational virtual learning” for prolonged closures. 

Worst of all is New Jersey, where over 33 percent of all students in the state are locked out of school this week.  They are disproportionately in economically disadvantaged districts.  And New York’s UFT union is also threatening – ironically, a sick out. 

Are our educators ineducable? They appear to have learned nothing from the catastrophic school lockdowns in 2020.  

Read the whole article on Fox News.

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