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Thursday items: Woodhill on the dollar; Forbes on housing; Tamny on California.

From Forbes, Louis Woodhill provides a tutorial on monetary issues.

On Forbes, Steve Forbes critiques the Fed’s approach to rescuing the housing market.

AP reports Congress reaffirmed punitive tariffs against China for export subsidies.

On The Kudlow Report, Phil Kerpen of Americans for Prosperity argues Obamacare will drive employers out of private insurance:

At PJ Media, Jaime Daremblum highlights the danger of Argentina’s capital inflight and inflation.

On RCM, John Tamny argues California’s best days are ahead of it.

In The WSJ, Dan Henninger applauds Rick Santorum for emphasizing Obamacare’s threat to personal freedom.

On Kudlow, James Pethokoukis discusses the GOP’s prospects for November:

Market News International reports US Rep. Kevin Brady (TX) proposing a bill to eliminate the Federal Reserve’s unemployment mandate.

From The Atlas Sound Money Project, Nicolas Cachanosky notes lack of consensus about which gold standard opponents reject.

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