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Thursday round up: Moore and Medved on the wealthy’s tax rates; Forbes predicts an eventual debt deal; Woodhill argues unemplyment is worse than thought.

From The WSJ, Stephen Moore explains that Warren Buffett is wrong about taxes paid by the wealthy.

At The Daily Beast, Michael Medved cites Alan Reynolds to rebut claims that the rich pay less taxes than they have for 50 years.

On The Kudlow Report, Steve Forbes predicts an eventual debt ceiling deal, even if it goes past next Tuesday:

At NRO, Larry Kudlow notes a debt downgrade is serious business.

From Forbes, Louis Woodhill suggests unemployment is worse than is commonly understood.

On Kudlow, Sen. Mike Crapo (ID) recounts the importance of restoring strong growth to reduce long-term debt:

US News reports the debt ceiling debate is raising interest in the gold standard (h/t: TGSN).

At The American Spectator, Peter Ferrara defends House Republicans’ handling of the debt crisis.

On TGSN, Lew Lehrman describes the gold standard as a bridge between generations:

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