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Tuesday items: Benko chides Santorum on gold; Kadlec on the dollar and oil; Cantor rolls out the GOP jobs plan.

In Forbes, Ralph Benko chides Rick Santorum for opposing the gold standard.

From Bloomberg, Ramesh Ponnuru explains small business opposition to the President’s corporate tax reform plan.

At Forbes, Charles Kadlec links the falling dollar to the rising oil price.

On The Kudlow Report, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (VA) discusses the Republican jobs act:

In The CSM, Stefan Karlsson warns against a Greek devaluation.

From First Trust, Brian Wesbury doubts a stock market correction.

In The Washington Times, Richard Rahn argues for Federal Reserve reform but stops short of supporting gold.

At CNBC, John Carney suggests Reagan and Thatcher’s economic programs worked.

USA Today reports the President will create a trade enforcement bureau.

From Reason, James Pethokoukis discusses anti-growth government policies.

At The American, Pethokoukis quotes Bruce Bartlett on the mainstreaming of supply-side economics.

In The NYT, Bartlett analyzes corporate tax reform.

At Modeled Behavior, Karl Smith suggests work incentives are altered until tax rates hit 70%.

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