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Weekend Edition: Bernanke gets the gold standard subtly wrong; Bernanke explores the Derpistans; Stanford economist John Taylor says quantitative easing has failed miserably

***Coming July 18th- “Lewis E. Lehrman, President Ronald Reagan’s gold commissioner and co-signer of the iconic commission minority report, The Case for Gold, will make a rare Washington, D.C., public appearance to debut his latest work, “Money, Gold, and History.” 12:00 pm in the Hayek Auditorium at the Cato Institute. Sign up for Cato’s free Lehrman’s “Money, Gold, and History” forum here

Politics and Government

At, John Tamny says if you want to break up the banks, be careful what you wish for.

Monetary Reform

In his NBER speech on the centennial of the Fed, Chairman Bernanke continues to confuse the classical gold, and gold-exchange, standards.

The Fellowship of the Ring: Paul Krugman explores Inner, Outer, and Middle Derpistan

Stanford economist John Taylor says quantitative easing has failed miserably, calls for a rules based monetary policy.

From TGSN, Ralph Benko shares Keynes’s low opinion of the “imaginary academic world.”  (Shades of Derpistan!)

At, Nathan Lewis believes video game central bankers know more than Bernanke, and bitcoin dreamers.

Money Morning discusses why the gold standard has remained relevant.

Larry Kudlow asks if Bernanke is boxed in.


In Bloomberg, Caroline Baum describes how the economy’s I-Told-You-So naysayers are holding a reunion.

Regulatory Reform

ATR points out the inaccuracies and falsehoods in “Gasland II”

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