Weekend edition: Mundell on global currency; Williams and Moore on benefits for the rich; Woodhill on the unemployment report.

Thailand’s The Nation reports supply-side guru Robert Mundell arguing for a global currency.

In Forbes, Louis Woodhill debunks optimism about the latest unemployment report.

In The WSJ, Walter Williams and Stephen Moore argue for cutting government benefits to the rich, rather than raising taxes:

The much bigger fiscal drain from the wealthy is on the federal expenditure side of the budget ledger: tens of billions each year in grants, loans, subsidies, guarantees and benefits pocketed each year by wealthy Americans as individuals and firms. Any campaign to downsize big government will only succeed if the needed deep cuts in spending are deemed by voters as equitable. In an era of $1 trillion-plus deficits and a $15 trillion national debt, we would like to think that a national consensus could be reached to eliminate handouts to individuals and companies with net incomes above $1 million.

On The Kudlow Report, Stephen Moore discusses the NLRB’s decision to drop its case against Boeing:


At America Now with Andy Dean, Cato’s Alan Reynolds discusses his recent WSJ op-ed on the top 1%.

From The Atlas Sound Money Project, Nicolas Cachanosky defends the gold standard.

At The Council on Foreign Relations, Benn Steil refutes Brad Delong’s claim that the ECB will print its way out of the EU’s debt crisis.

On Activist Post, David Redick proposes gold to save the euro (h/t: Ralph Benko).

In Forbes, Ken Rapoza quotes Bretton Woods Research’s Vlad Signorelli on China’s lower inflation and economic weakness.

The WSJ notes the weakening yuan.

On Fox Business, Steve Forbes discusses the European crisis and bailout possibilities:

The WSJ argues Europe won’t restore growth with higher tax rates.

At Cato Unbound, a monetarist, Keynesian, and an Austrian debate whether the economy is caught in a liquidity trap.

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