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Weekend edition: Mundell on the euro; Lewis on gold; Malpass on the market.

From The Financial Post (Canada), supply-side guru Robert Mundell sees a bright future for the euro, but blames excessive spending and unstable exchange rates for the Eurozone’s current troubles.

Also on The Financial Post, Terry Corcoran supportsMundell’s analysis.

At Forbes, Nathan Lewis suggests a dual currency system featuring gold for nations outside the major currency zones.

On The Kudlow Report, David Malpass discusses the markets:

At The American, James Pethokoukis responds to Paul Krugman’s claims that government spending led to the Reagan boom.

The WSJ highlights the President’s disastrous press conference remarks on the economy.

At China Daily, Mundell applauds the People’s Bank of China for lowering interest rates.
On CNBC, James Grant notes the Fed’s shrinking balance sheet.

The WSJ criticizes Ben Bernanke for opposing spending cuts, but applauds his rejection of tax increases.

From Forbes, Peter Ferrara compares the Obama economy to Argentina.

In The WSJ, Stephen Moore reports Democratic nervousness about Taxmageddon.

At Newsmax, Steve Forbes advocates tax cuts rather than bailouts to revive Europe.

IBD notes the President of Estonia’s response to Paul Krugman’s dismissal of its economic success.

From The Sun News Network, David Goldman doesn’t see a way to keep the weak nations in the Eurozone:

On Fiscal Times, Bruce Bartlett notes the decline and fall of organized labor.

From Market Watch, Harold Gold uses the Bush tax cuts to declare supply-side economics false.

From the archive, here’s my assessment of the Bush tax cuts.
On TGSN, Jon Decker reports the past use of vodka as a currency in Russia.

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