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Weekend edition: Reynolds, Ferrara and Jenkins on the President’s budget and tax proposal; Bell on social issues; Weber on the GOP’s message.

Editor’s note: Spotty coverage last week and this due to personal travel. Will be back on track later this week.

From Creators syndicate, Alan Reynolds critiques the President’s budget proposal.

At Forbes, Peter Ferrara suggests the President’s budget will damage the economy.

In The WSJ, Holman Jenkins advises Mitt Romney to take up the President’s challenge on the taxes paid by the wealthy.

The WSJ profiles Jeff Bell who argues social issues are vital to the conservative coalition.

On The Kudlow Report, former US Rep. Vin Weber (MN) discusses the GOP’s messaging problem:

On NRO, Larry Kudlow notes Ways & Means Chairman Dave Camp’s going after Treasury Sec. Tim Geithner on tax policy.

In Reason, Tim Cavanaugh counters Geithner’s tax increase advocacy.

At The American, Aparna Mathur notes the effect of higher taxes on capital flows.

From American Thinker, Ralph Benko advocates a gold commission.

In Forbes, Bill Bonner critiques The NYT’s coverage of a possible return to gold-linked money.

At Monetary Choice, Dave Doctor rebuts Keynesian Dean Baker’s defense of the Federal Reserve.

The NY Sun suggests Sarah Palin would be a better World Bank president than Hillary Clinton.

From Bloomberg, Gregory DL Morris recounts the history of the Federal Reserve’s founding.

From last month’s Texas Public Policy Foundation conclave, Art Laffer debates Keynesian Jared Bernstein:

At The American, James Pethokoukis outlines arguments for the President’s opponents even if the economy is recovering.

In The WSJ, Michael Boskin suggests government is a poor investor.

USA Today links the recession to slow population growth from births and immigration.

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