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Weekend edition: The NYT quotes Bell and Lehrman on gold; Forbes on two important dates; Lewis says gold is not deflationary.

In The NYT, Jeff Sommer quotes Jeff Bell and Lew Lehrman on rising interest in the gold standard, but commits the error of discounting gold’s price for inflation:

The last apex of the back-to-gold movement was perhaps in 1980. It may have been a signal that the price of gold was about to peak. Could we be approaching a turning point now? “You could make that argument,” Mr. Bell says. “The big question is whether the government and the Federal Reserve will be able to get the economy under control without a return to gold.”

In Forbes, Steve Forbes advises the President to heed two important dates.

Also at Forbes, Nathan Lewis explains that gold is stable, not deflationary.

On The Kudlow Report, US Rep. Eric Cantor recounts that debt-ceiling negotiations broke down because the President insisted on tax increases:

At Forbes, Peter Ferrara notes the expected tax increases in 2013 and elimination of the Fed’s duel mandate.

On Forbes, Reuven Brenner suggests the Federal Reserve is mispricing credit.

This week’s winner of the Kevin Williamson Shooting-Inside-the-Foxhole Award goes to fractional reserve banking opponent Gary North at, for his harsh attack on sound money advocates Robert Mundell and Ralph Benko.

Speaking of Williamson, last week the National Review author once again muddied the waters by rebuking pro-growth advocates including fellow NR columnist Larry Kudlow.

On Kudlow, my old roommate Tim Carney debates the debt ceiling:

In The WSJ, author Margaret Hoover suggests a “jobs, jobs, jobs” agenda will win the GOP young voters.

Reagan brought an entire generation to the Republican Party in 1980, and in 1984 he won the youth vote by 20%. The GOP needs this kind of revolution again if it hopes to recapture the White House and create a sustained majority.

The Washington Post continues the media’s fascination with anti-tax advocate Grover Norquist.

In Business Week, David J. Lynch reports that Republicans embrace Art Laffer’s tax ideas.

The WSJ notes GOP candidate Michelle Bachmann suggesting lower income workers should pay higher taxes.

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