From Forbes, David Malpass explains the weak dollar is sending capital overseas.
On RCM, Larry Kudlow suggests the President’s policies are responsible for the slow economy.
At Forbes, Reuven Brenner argues quantitative easing validates bad loans.
On The News Hour, Stephen Moore discusses the weak economy:
From AEI, Aparna Mathur suggests the current bankruptcy system denies firms credit.
From the archive, Jude Wanniski comments on the 2001 changes to the bankruptcy code.
The WSJ advocates a pro-growth agenda to combat stagnation:
Chances are that job creation will improve in future months after the effects of Japan’s earthquake and Midwest tornadoes and if oil prices level off or fall. But the longer the jobs slowdown continues, the greater the danger that the U.S. settles into a new normal of high “structural” unemployment, with employers reluctant to hire workers until they absolutely must. This is a symptom of Eurosclerosis.
At Forbes, Ken Rapoza notes the weak dollar raises commodity prices, strengthening economies such as Russia.
From The Hoover Institution, Charles Calomiris suggests debt laden countries leave the euro zone.
On This Week with Christiane Amanpour, demand-siders left and right debate the weak economy and Paul Krugman suggests a major military buildup would bring prosperity:
From Cato, Daniel Ikenson claims that anti-dumping law makes it harder for the U.S. to export more.
At the liberal Think Progress, Pat Garofalo explains that taxes under President Obama are lower than under Reagan.