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Monday items: Hunter disputes Mundell; Sanders and Whitehouse on the euro; Kadlec chides Williamson.

From Forbes, Lawrence Hunter disputes Robert Mundell’s call for fixing the euro/dollar exchange rate.

In The Washington Times, Sol Sanders suggests Europe’s economic diversity means a common currency cannot work.

At The WSJ, Mark Whitehouse also argues for economic harmonization among euro zone nations.

The Kudlow Report covers the pro-QE2, pro-austerity views of Boston Federal Reserve President Eric Rosengren:

At Forbes, Charles Kadlec chides National Review’s Kevin Williamson for his ongoing dismissal of pro-growth arguments.

The Daily Mail (UK) notes do-gooder band U2 is in trouble for seeking to lower its tax burden.

On Forbes, John Tamny notes the pro-market lessons from Keith Richards’s memoir.

From Sunday, Fox News Sunday’s panel discusses the weak job numbers.

The Washington Post reports Republican anti-tax “orthodoxy.”

In The WSJ, AEI’s Nick Schulz reviews a book on reviving US growth.

On Forbes, Ken Rapoza quotes Vlad Signorelli on the end of QE2.

In The Weekly Standard, former GW Bush economist Larry Lindsey advocates pro-growth reforms across government programs.

At Café Hayek, Don Boudreaux argues that saying Pakistan represents free market ideology is like saying North Korea represents progressivism.

On TNR, Jonathan Chait says Americans don’t buy Keynesian economics due to ignorance, as opposed to experience or common sense.

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