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Weekend Wrap Up: The Kudlow Report asks if Yellen is the better candidate; Steve Forbes discusses the morality of the free market

Politics and Government

The Los Altos Town Crier covers Steve Forbes recent forum on the morality of the free market, and his latest book “Freedom Manifesto: Why Free Markets Are Moral and Big Government Isn’t.”

At The WSJ, Stephen Moore questions who is afraid of immigration reform.

On, Jerry Bowyer discusses George Gilder’s economy-boosting idea.

Monetary Reform

The Kudlow Report asks if Yellen is the better candidate.

From TGSN, Kathleen Packard praises Brian Blackstone’s observation on central banks; Ralph Benko details one of Nixon’s taped conversations with Treasury Secretary John Connally on going off gold as pointing to a “beggar thy neighbor: attitude. 

Regulatory Reform

At Town Hall, John Ransom offers apologies to Barney, Barack, and Bernanke, he forgot they are exempt from our laws.

On, Brian Domitrovic remembers fracking pioneer George Mitchell, praises fracking as a visionary technology and his development of the Woodlands as both an environmentally sensitive, aesthetic, and social triumph.


From Investors Business Daily, Larry Kudlow writes Obama gets history of economy wrong, ignores success of tax cuts.

In National Real Estate Investor, Scott Latter says the internet sales tax is no Laffing matter.

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