Will Dr. Judy Shelton and John Allison be appointed to the Fed Board of Governors?

Policy and Government

Generation Opportunity say ‘the snuggie’ reveals America’s convoluted trade structure.


Politico raises the possibility of the appointment of Dr. Judy Shelton and John Allison to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve.

On Bloomberg, Judy Shelton says the Fed’s model has failed.

Bloomberg reports Treasury Secretary Mnuchin’s promotion of a strong dollar at a meeting of the G-20 in Germany.

At Forbes.com, the characteristically trenchant Tim Worstall provides an uncharacteristically inept and inaccurate assessment of the gold standard.


The Tax Foundation releases a new report on how each state fares in taxing/ spending.


In The Washington Times, Cal Thomas details how President Trump’s budget tells Republicans to put their money where their mouth is.

At Forbes.com, Tim Worstall praises Donald Trump’s budget.

On Real Clear Markets, Ray Keating writes if pouring concrete stimulated the economy, the U.S.S.R. would be booming.

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