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Kansas To Use Coal Plant to Power EV Battery Factory

The Kansas City Star reports that Evergy will delay the retirement of a coal-fired plant until at least 2028 to meet the massive city-sized energy demand of a new Panasonic electric vehicle battery factory:

Even before Evergy learned how much demand Panasonic would create, the utility had already decided to postpone by a year the retirement of coal-fired Unit 4 at the Lawrence Energy Center, originally set for late 2023 or early 2024. Unit 5 was also expected to transition to using natural gas. But in June, the utility said it will keep burning coal at the plant until 2028 and would then transition Unit 5 to gas to provide power at times of high demand.

Wow. Biden’s “energy transition” is REALLY working. This reminds us of the famous New Yorker cartoon of a massive electric fan blowing into a windmill to make the turbines turn.

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