Weekend round up: Lewis on Germany’s recovery from hyperinflation; Reynolds rebuts Krugman; Brenner stresses incentives over debt.

From Forbes, Nathan Lewis has an astounding account of how hyperinflationary Germany relinked its currency to gold.

At IBD, Alan Reynolds counters Paul Krugman’s claim that spending austerity damaged Ireland.

In Forbes, Reuven Brenner argues the policy debate should focus on incentives for growth and investment rather than government debt.

At The WSJ, Stephen Moore profiles U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann (MN) who says she is an Art Laffer fan and favors sound currency.

On This Week with Christiane Amanpour, George Will credits Tim Pawlenty with avoiding the austerity trap, as Ronald Reagan did:

At NRO, Larry Kudlow applauds Tim Pawlenty for focusing on 5 percent annual growth.

At Slate, David Weigel, of Journolist fame, celebrates National Review’s Kevin Williamson for ridiculing fast economic growth “magic unicorns.”

Taking a page from Williamson, Washington Post progressive columnist Ruth Marcus critiques Pawlenty’s “magical thinking” on economic growth.

On Bloomberg, National Review editor Ramesh Ponnuru doubts Republican tax cut plans will do much to help the middle-class.

On The Kudlow Report, David Malpass sees slow growth continuing:

In The Washington Post, Charles Krauthammer predicts Republicans will focus on stewardship of the economy rather than ideology in 2012.

On NRO, Rich Lowry highlights the unemployment crisis.

From Forbes, Jerry Bowyer analyzes the roots of Keynes’ thinking.

At The WSJ, Stephen Moore notes Republican efforts to ensure against default if the debt ceiling isn’t raised.

Also on This Week, Sen. Richard Shelby (AL) debates supply- vs. demand-side economics, but doesn’t mention the unstable dollar and refers to World War II spending ending the Great Depression:

From Fiscal Times, Bruce Bartlett argues cutting long-term deficits, not lowering tax rates, will increase growth.

On Slate, Annie Lowrey argues the Bush tax cuts were a failure.

From Yahoo Finance, Jeff Macke sees dollar strength causing market and commodity sell offs.

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