Amazon Thoroughly Wrecks Narrative About Lockdowns Being Necessary

From Real Clear Markets,

Excerpt from David Simon

Amazon has been invaluable to so many of us during the coronavirus lockdowns. And now Amazon has provided us with strong evidence that the lockdowns have failed and should not be repeated.

A series of studies – a July 21, 2020 research paper in The Lancet and in August 2020, National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper 27719 and a TrendMacro statistical analysis – have made the case that the lockdowns have been ineffective against the coronavirus.

But data just released by Amazon provide perhaps the strongest evidence yet that the lockdowns have failed to combat the disease.

On October 1, Amazon that only 19,816 of its U.S. employees “have tested positive or been presumed positive for COVID-19.”

19,816 may sound like a big number, but it is only 1.44 percent of Amazon’s 1.372 million U.S. employees.2.18 percent of all Americans have been infected, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

This means that Americans, many of whom during the lockdowns have not worked or have worked alone at home, have been at least 51.3 percent more likely to become infected than Amazon and Whole Foods employees who interact with customers, suppliers, and co-workers in grocery stores, work side by side in fulfillment centers, and visit customers in office buildings, hospitals, apartment buildings, and everywhere else while making deliveries.

Read more at Real Clear Markets. 

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