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***America hits 3% GDP Growth in Trump’s First Full Quarter As President***

Policy and Government

***America hits 3% GDP Growth in Trump’s First Full Quarter As President***

FLASHBACK: Jon Decker says liberal freakout over Trump’s 3% growth target reveals foolish pessism for America.

In the Asia Times, Jerry Bowyer and Charles Bowyer explain why economic data mocks the Russia collusion hysteria.

Game of Loans. Adam Epstein, at Quartz, says: “The Iron Bank will have its due.”


At Business Insider, Pedro Nicolaci da Costa directly attributes the dollars’ decline to the struggles of the Trump administration to enact its agenda.


On Fox Business, Arthur Laffer says tax cuts would accelerate Texas’ recovery.


In The American Spectator, Johnny Kampis says the Raiders ‘raided’ taxpayers.


At CNN, Ivana Kottasová reports Denmark will cut the world’s highest taxes to ease a worker shortage.

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