What Trump Tax Cut For the Rich, Joe?
Unleash Prosperity HotlineIssue #15011/1/2020 1) What Trump Tax Cut For the Rich, Joe?Joe Biden keeps slamming Trump’s “tax cuts for the wealthy,” and he continually
Unleash Prosperity HotlineIssue #15011/1/2020 1) What Trump Tax Cut For the Rich, Joe?Joe Biden keeps slamming Trump’s “tax cuts for the wealthy,” and he continually
Unleash Prosperity HotlineIssue #14910/31/2020 Note to friends and patriots This is a special weekend edition of the Hotline. Given the tumultuous times we are living
Policy and Government At Yahoo! Finance, Art Laffer, Stephen Moore, and Erwin Antoni discuss why a tax hike proposal in Arizona would cost jobs and
Unleash Prosperity HotlineIssue #14810/30/2020 1) Our Favorite Fake News Headline of the Year From The Washington Post U.S. economy recoups two-thirds of ground lost in first half
Unleash Prosperity HotlineIssue #14710/29/2020 1) The Super V-Shaped RecoveryWe’ve been saying for weeks that an October surprise was coming that would deliver spectacular news on
Unleash Prosperity HotlineIssue #146 10/28/2020 1) Will Illinois Be the Worst State in the Nation?On the ballot in Illinois next week is Governor JB Pritzker’s constitutional
Policy and Government On Real Clear Markets, John Tamny teaches The New York Times that the only closed economy is the world economy. At The
Unleash Prosperity HotlineIssue #145 10/27/2020 1) The Fastest Recovery in American HistoryThursday the Commerce Department will announce the October Surprise we all predicted on these pages
Unleash Prosperity HotlineIssue # 14410/26/2020 1) About that Surge…Seemingly every single news outlet in America is almost joyfully shouting SURGE of coronavirus cases across the
Unleash Prosperity Hotline Issue #14310/23/2020 1) Lie of the Day: “I never said I oppose fracking.” The most shocking part of the debate last night was Biden’s claim