Bernie Threatens To Sink Biden’s Next Spending Bill If It’s “Only” $3 Trillion
Unleash Prosperity HotlineIssue #32407/12/2021 1) Bernie Threatens To Sink Biden’s Next Spending Bill If It’s “Only” $3 Trillion Go Bernie, Go! 2) Chart Of The Day
Unleash Prosperity HotlineIssue #32407/12/2021 1) Bernie Threatens To Sink Biden’s Next Spending Bill If It’s “Only” $3 Trillion Go Bernie, Go! 2) Chart Of The Day
Regulation and Policymaking At Fox News, Phil Kerpen joins Laura Ingraham to discuss school closures and mask use among children. Washington Post reports conservative groups
Unleash Prosperity Hotline – Weekend EditionIssue #32307/09/2021, 07/10/2021, 07/11/2021 1) Biden Gets Something Right!! Stop the presses. A new executive order by the White House on “Increasing American Competition” is filled with dozens
Unleash Prosperity Hotline Issue #32207/08/2021 1) OPEC and Big Oil’s New Best Friend: Joe Biden We say this only half facetiously. The oil price surged to $75
Dear Conservative Member of Congress: As conservative leaders, we are troubled that Republicans fell into the Democratic trap on an infrastructure spending bill. The $1.2
Unleash Prosperity Hotline Issue #32107/07/2021 1) Mao the “Liberator” China’s 100th year anniversary of its Communist party’s founding has been deeply troubling to anyone who values human freedom. Historians
Taxes and Spending At Fox Business, Larry Kudlow says Biden double-crossed the public on the infrastructure bill. At American Consequence, John Tamny says Amazon’s success
Unleash Prosperity Hotline Issue #32007/06/2021 1) Federal Judge Strikes Down Ban on State Tax Cuts We were first in line back in March protesting the Biden “stimulus plan”
Unleash Prosperity Hotline – Weekend EditionIssue #31907/02/2021, 07/03/2021, 07/04/2021, 07/05/2021 1) Celebrate America We will put politics aside for a (brief) moment and for this Independence
Unleash Prosperity HotlineIssue #31807/01/2021 1) Whatever Happened To Property Rights? We at the Hotline are NOT lawyers – that’s what you like about us, right? –