Unemployment Shouldn’t Pay More Than Work
by Stephen Moore and Phil Kerpen Excerpt from The Hill: Economics is all about incentives. To keep the country prosperous, our public policies should reward
by Stephen Moore and Phil Kerpen Excerpt from The Hill: Economics is all about incentives. To keep the country prosperous, our public policies should reward
Policy and Government In the American Spectator, Ed Feulner and Stephen Moore say Trump is right; We need to get our economy back up and
Policy and Government In USA Today, Charles Koch and Brian Hooks tell us to fight coronavirus the American way. On Real Clear Markets, John Tamny
Policy and Government Timothy Meads at Townhall picks three books to better understand the world leading off with supply-side giant George Gilder’s Life After Google as “the book to
by Phil Kerpen From The Federalist: Republicans and Democrats finally stopped squabbling long enough to spend an estimated $2 trillion on what they claim is
Policy and Government In The Hill, Amity Shlaes gives her economic policy prescription for the coronavirus. In the NY Post, Richard Lowry warns our current
Policy and Government Newsmax reports on Director Kudlow’s statement that “The economic cost to individuals is just too great. More testing is essential. We’re loading up
Policy and Government Governor Polis: I’m not a socialist like Donald Trump. Monetary The Washington Post reports that as the American economy enters dire straits the
Policy and Government The Washington Times endorses the Committee to Unleash Prosperity’s economic rebound plan. At Forbes.com, Steve Forbes gives his policy prescription for the
Monetary On Real Clear Markets, Aaron Brown says beware of the Fed subsidizing bad bets. Tax From Real Clear Markets, Lewis Uhler & Peter Ferrara